Call for papers on populism and minorities

Are you a researcher working on populism, radical right/left politics and/or minorities? Then check out our workshop in the ECPR Joint Sessions 2024 programme.

We are delighted to announce that our PI Mari-Liis Jakobson and research fellow Sebastian Umpierrez de Reguero are co-directing a 2024 ECPR Joint Sessions workshop titled “Populism & Minorities”, endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group “Extremism and Democracy”.

This workshop explores a growing trend, where radical right/left-wing populist actors appeal to minorities, i.e. groups with particular group interests or under-representation in politics. The workshop aims to examine both the political supply and demand-side factors conditioning minority support for populist actors across space and time. We want to gain a better understanding of under what conditions is this strategy successful, and how it affects minority groups and democracy more generally. The objective of the workshop is to build a network of scholars interested in the topic, organize a thematic special issue and plan future cooperation.

The deadline for the abstracts (of max 500 words) is 23 November. For more information and submission, please go to